"Academic excellence is the only requirement for a successful career."

Express your views for or against this statement.

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I will start with a well known quote, “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it from you.” The right to education is a fundamental right of every child in the age group of six to fourteen years. The education system in the primary years is designated so as to provide basic knowledge on each subject and help the youth of today of choose their subject of interest for its deeper study in higher classes.

This part of education can only be provided effectively through universities. It plays a key role in the development of society and the nation. In fact, the information cannot be converted into knowledge without education.

Education makes us capable of interpreting things. It help in raising future leaders by providing the clear understanding and developing their decision-making abilities. It makes them resourceful and component. Excellence in academic prepares students for the competition ahead and teaches them to work hard as well.

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Academic qualification may not be enough on their own to ensure success, but they indicates that the person who possesses them has got the necessary knowledge required. Conversely, imagine a new world order in education , where people don't study beyond school, but join their business or look for jobs straight after school, with no higher qualifications which certify their worth. Then how would choose between them?

Thus , higher academic achievement is important because , in order to do well in academic for obtaining a degree or other qualification, students have to work hard , master new skills and learn a great deal of specialised knowledge. These are all valuable attributes for a success in any field, which is why employers value academic qualifications. Getting admission into a good college indicates to a future employer that the student is better than many others. Further, academic excellence will ensure admission to the best universities for higher education, which provide exposure to a variety of knowledge, thus giving an excellent start to the student's career.

Therefore, all these arguments prove that academic excellence is the study requirements for a successful career.

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A well known saying tells us, “The goal of education is to raise the leaders of tomorrow." But, then how is it that most of the leaders and successful persons today happen to be college dropouts? Both Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple, and Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, are in this category. This is because having degrees cannot ensure success. Education today fails to impart necessary life skills and the polish the personality of an individual. For these, students have to attend specialised workshops or training sessions.

Education will surely give you an overview of a subject, but it fails to provide an overview of how the world works. It does not ensure mastery of skills and competencies. It also provides what to think instead of how to think. The end results is that society now has robots who have switched their mind off only to believe what is being taught. One's attitude towards life is what brings success in a career. Undoubtedly, academic excellence can provide you degree or may even land you at a job, but, your success depends upon the how you think, behave, walk, talk and present yourself. It has rightly said, “Education produces great employee in the market, not employee."

The prosperous college dropouts have proved that prosperity does not depend upon the academic qualifications but upon opportunities provided by entrepreneurs who may not necessarily be highly educated. Successful entrepreneurs even benefit from not having academic qualifications, because going to college and taking examinations forces people to learn and think like millions of other graduates. The actually makes it less likely that they will come up with the truly mould - breaking insights and "disruptive" ideas on which successful innovations and new business models are built.

Unfortunately the materialistic world has changed the concept of success.

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It has become a rat - race where every student chases grades and therefore the entire perceptions of the success and prosperity has changed. Rather than studying to reach out full potential, we do it because we think it is necessary for a successful career. Even after that we may over selves in the wrong profession and lacking job satisfaction.

Thus, academic excellence is in no way a requirement for a successful career.

By Digitaliknowledge