Prepositions for Board Exam ICSE, ISC, And CBSE Exam


Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1) I slept ......................................................... nine o'clock.

2) I see a spider ................................................... the door.

3) She dislikes being looked ..........................................

4) Don't throw food ............................................... the dog.

5) The book fair is open ........................................ 05 April.

6) I saw the scrambling ........................................ the road.

7) I went to see him ........................................ at the station.

8) There are plenty of fish ................................... this pond.

9) The boy sat still ................. the night waiting to be called.

10) The teacher knew all ................................. the problem.

11) He his the stolen goods......................... the floor boards.

12) The gift came ........................................ a birthday card.

13) Stop worrying  ..............................................your future.

14) I have lived in this town ..................................ten years.

15) I commenced the work .......................... the 1st of May.

16) I received the is message......7 o'clock ..... the morning.

17) We walked ....................the street .................... its end.

18) The people are sitting..... the table .....the dining room.

19) The washing machine is ................... the main bathroom.

20) The steps are in ...................... of the drawing room door.

21) The basement is .......... the drawing room of the house.


1) Till / until

2) On

3) At

4) To

5) Until

6) Across 

7) Off

8) In 

9) In

10) About

11) Under

12) With

13) About

14) For 

15) From

16) At / in

17) Down / to

18) At / in

19) In

20) Front

21) Under / below / beneath