Write an original short story entitled 'Ghost in the Strom!'


There was a violent storm outside at 9 pm. My brother and I were all alone at home. We were living in an area where other houses were at distance. Suddenly, the lights went out, which caused total darkness in our house because we not installed an inverter. As we sat waiting for the electric supply to be restored, there was a strange sound from outside the front door which scared the daylights out of me. I was afraid to open the door, so I told my younger brother, Vijay, to find out who it was. But Vijay himself had jumped in fright at the sound and so did not move. Finally, I picked up enough courage to go and open the door. I screamed in horror at what I saw! There was a ghostly apparition standing there which was shaking from side to side. I ran back to my and shut the door.

5 लोग जो पैसे से अच्छे होते है पर वे लोग कभी नहीं खरीदते ये चीजे

For sometime only the howling of the storm was heard. Then, to my relief the lights came back. I opened my room door and switched on the porch light from inside the house. When I looked again, I saw my father standing there in a white kurta pyjama with a white cap. I rushed to the porch and hugged my father in relief. Just imagine, I had mistaken him for an apparition. Immediately i said sorry to him for not recognising him and asked Vijay to come out to meet him.

My father had walked to the nearby market to get some medicines and was walking back when the storm broke. He stood under a tree to wait, but become totally wet from head to toe due to the intensity of the rain. This caused him to shiver uncontrollably. He already had a very sore throat and could not speak easily. So, we brought him inside and made him change into dry clothes before putting him into his bed for the night.

The next morning, when he had recovered somewhat, we all had a hearty laugh at how I had thought him to be a ghost last night.
