The United Nations was established to be an effective peace keeping international organisation. In this context explain the following:

a) Its objectives and purposes.

 Answer: The United Nations was established to be an effective peace keeping International Organization.

Objectives and purposes of the United Nations:

The purposes of the United Nations, Defined in the Article 1 of the Charter, are as follows:

1) To maintain international peace and security; to make collective measures for the prevention and removal of the threats to peace, to suppress acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace.

2) To develop friendly relations among nations based on the respect for the principle of the equal rights and self - determinations of people.

3) To achieve international cooperation in solving international economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian problems and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms.

4) To be the centre for harmonizing the actions of humans of the nations in the attainment of these common ends.

Objectives of United Nations:


1) Develop 

2) Disarm

3) Decolonize

b) The meaning of Human Rights as incorporated in the Human Charter.

Answer: Human Rights are refers those freedoms which should be available to all persons irrespective of their religion, race, sex, caste, nationality or any other from this.

c) Name the agency that the United Nations set up to deliver relief to the children and mothers after World War II. 

State any three of its functions.

Answer: United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is the agency that the United Nations set up to deliver relief to children and mothers after WORLD WAR II.

Functions of UNICEF: It provides the services in primary healthcare nutrition, basic education, sanitation and women’s development in developing Nations.

1) It works for the protection of children in respect of their survival, health and well-being.

2) It provides funds for training the personnel, including health and sanitation workers.

3) It assists Government to plan, develop and extend community- based services in the fields of material and child health, nutrition, and clean water.

4) It provides help to children and mothers emergencies arising from natural calamities, civil strikes and epidemics.

d) Explain any three functions of the Security Council.

Answer: Functions of the Security Council are as given below:

1) To investigate any dispute or situation this might lead to international and to take military action an aggressor.

2) To recommend methods of adjusting such disputes or the terms of settlement and to formulate plans for the establishment of the system to regulate armaments.

3) To maintain international peace and security in accordance with the principles and purposes of the United Nations.