Visit Old Age Home. Write a letter to a friend telling experience

Your class was taken to visit an old age home where you spent half a day with residents. Write a letter to a friend telling him/her what you saw, how you felt and in what way you have changed since the visit.

Dear Newton, 

Hope you're keeping well and in good spirits. From this letter I am sharing to you something new. Yesterday, an elderly, women gave me a copper coin of Bhutan. Which she said belonged to her grandfather, who was a member of the Bhutan Royal family.

You must wonder how I met the women!

Well I met her at an old age home, named 'Freedom', near Palace.

Our class teacher had taken us there so that we could spend a part of our day with the people there. Most of residents were women of around my grandmother's age, some a bit older.

Unlike with the depressing sights, one associate with old age homes, freedom home was sunny and airy. When we reached the place at 9:20 a.m. the wide verandah was filled to the brim with the residents, they had made rice pudding to welcome us. They seemed quite happy in the each other's company and were busy doing something or the other. Four of them seemed rather withdrawn and silently gazed into space from their families; one of them Mrs. Singh opened up and related stories about her historian daughter, who lives in Xian, china. She said, she misses her a lot and that I look a lot like her. She's the one who gave me that ancient- looking coin.

 Frankly, the women of Freedom and their caretakers have made a nice home for themselves. They have managed to rise above their sorrows and have decided to make the best of their lives. Their motto isd definitely ‘Think Positive', which left me feeling inspired. 

Of course, I realised that deep down, they must be having horrid attacks of depression but what impressed me was the filling of sisterhood among those old ladies and they did not want to be pitied.

This visit has left a deep mark on my and it has shed a different lights on my grandmother, who lives with us since my grand dad passed away. At times she looks really miserable as she misses her husband a lot. So, I've decided to make a visit along with her to Freedom one day or maybe we can call them over to our house for a party.

I wish more, hope to see you soon.

You’re lovingly,
