With regard to the United Nations and its related agencies, answer the subsequent questions;

a) Explain any three functions of the WHO.

Answer: Three Functions of the WHO are as given below:

1) To fight against diseases throughout the world and to prevent their spread at the source.

2) It has launched a programme along with UNICEF to immunize children against six major diseases like measles, diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis, polio and whooping cough.

3) To set international standards for food, water, biological and pharmaceutical production such as drugs, medicines and vaccines.

b) State the composition of the International court of the justice.

Answer: The court consists of 15 judges elected to a nine - year term of office by the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council , sitting independently of every other. It may not include quite one judge from any nationality. Elections are held every three years for one - third of the seats, and retiring judges could also be re-elected. The members of the court do not represent their governments but are independents magistrates.

The judges must possess the qualifications requires in their respective countries for appointment to the very best judicial offices, or be judges of recognised competences within the law of nations . The Court elects its Presidents and Vice - president for a term of three years.

c) State any four function of the overall Assembly.

Answer: Any four Functions of General Assembly are as given below-

1) To discuss and make recommendations on any questions within the scope of the charter or affecting the powers and the functions of any organ of the United Nations.

2) To initiate studies and make recommendations to promote international political, social, and economic cooperation.

3) To discuss any questions relating to international peace and security (except where a dispute or a situation is currently being discussed by the Security Council) and to make recommendations on it.

4) To consider and make recommendations on the principles of cooperation, in the maintenance of international peace and security.